BALTIMORE, Maryland – By now we have all had the opportunity to hear Hillary Clinton’s infamous besmirchments of the irredeemable deplorables who support Donald Trump, and the basement dwelling, easily manipulated ’cause heads’ who supported (and still, support) Bernie Sanders. Many are still confused as to whom she was actually referring to when she orated her scripted, misinformed diatribes against the very citizens she purports to desire to lead over these next four years.

If we start with the Trump supporters we learn that she was attributing deplorable status to the “under educated” segment of our society. This is a phrase that has been thrown around by pundits and candidates this election cycle in an attempt to label Trump supporters that lack a college education. This is the elitist way of calling you ignorant and insufferable, But just who are these deplorable underlings made irredeemable by their lack of a university diploma? These are the truck drivers, welders, carpenters, bus drivers, auto mechanics, garbage men, store clerks, masons, soldiers, and so much more that not only built this nation but have paid for its survival through blood sweat and tears. These are the good, honest, hardworking people who have provided Hillary Clinton the opportunity to amass great wealth and success without ever having to dirty her own hands, or do any heavy lifting. The same people that created the environment for her fortunes are the ones she most sternly thumbs her nose at today. Words do hurt Madam Secretary but not nearly as much as condescension and disrespect.

Next, the bitter basement dwellers who are “cause-heads” because they followed Bernie Sanders, and still do I might add.. Â These are mainly millennials who bought into the belief that once they completed their university requirements they would be able to find a good paying job and live the American dream. Hillary mentioned baristas specifically as those who are so downtrodden that they could be easily manipulated into a political uprising like the one Senator Sanders created. It’s

true and it’s ugly. The federal government has long played a twisted coerce game of massive overpayments to lending institutions for student loans which allow universities to charge exceedingly higher costs for classes and books, while putting good students, without any real semblance of wealth, into the kind of crippling debt that they will likely never recover from. Are they angry? Of course, they are and should be. These same universities would never survive charging this kind of tuition without the federal government sticking their hands in where they don’t belong. So why are tuition rates and accumulated debt from said tuition rates so astronomically high? Because politicians like Hillary Clinton have gamed the system. How much of that increased tuition cost goes into donations to political candidates and charitable organizations like the Clinton foundation? These kids have been sold a poor bill of goods and the former Secretary has the audacity to then belittle them as if they had a choice in the matter.
For 30 years Secretary Clinton has had the opportunity and, dare I say, an obligation to use the power she was granted as First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State to help forge environments that would have assisted the average American to achieve success through hard work, skill, and determination. Unfortunately, she spent that time looking out for herself, her political friends, political opportunists, and those who made sizable donations to her “charitable” efforts. If it wasn’t bad enough that her poor decision making as a leader and incompetence as an elected official has left a large angry mass of deplorable, irredeemable, basement dwellers without real hope she doubles down with a hateful dismissal of their political opinions and their ability to logically reason without the assistance of their elite overlords. Next time maybe Mrs. Clinton should be gracious enough to forgo the name calling and bitter resentment towards those who have seen through her corruption and lies and simply say thank you for putting up with her for the last 30 years.

WE are the deplorable basement dwellers of America. Not because we want to be, but because that’s what our, so called, leaders have forced us to be. Share this with your deplorable basement dwelling friends so they will know how Hillary truly views them. There has been an awakening, have you felt it?
How does she keep getting a free pass???
Put this woman in Jail !!!!
And yet she continues to label .
Stop with the vulgar talk, Hillary is a decent woman and has done a lot of good for kids and woman, but you would rather be ignorant to the true facts.
Ignorant to the facts? She is a good women? Spend a day reading her emails.
This Criminal. Killer Liar and Cheater. Killary Clinton. Prison anytime soon. Krooked Killiary Klinton (KKK) was fired from the Watergate Commission for being a incompetent criminal. She was implicated in criminal activity in the Whitewater Investigation, the chief witness died before testifying. She was involved in the death of Vince Foster another witness that died before testifying. She tried to coverup Monica for Bill. She didn’t do anything worthwhile at all while first lady and wants to take credit for being a co-president. She was a reverse carpet bagger moving to NY from Arkansas so she could be a do nothing Senator from NY. She ran for President and was out smarted by a community organizer. As Secretary of State she completely screwed up our foreign policy. She was involved in starting the war in Libya. She refused to let the military accept Ghaddafi’s unconditional surrender and truce She completely botched Benghazi and got 4 Americans killed including her own Ambassador after refusing to give him the additional security he requested. He wasn’t just killed, he was raped, sodomized and tortured for 5 hours while Killary and Obama got high on whatever it is that they use now. Remember Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods next time she talks about her experience. She also used a private email account at State Department trying to hide her underhanded incompetent handling of diplomacy. She opened the account as soon as she was sworn in as Secretary of State and kept it the whole time she was in the position. She didn’t use her official email account, instead conducting her electronic mail via her personal, hidden account. That is not only illegal, it’s also premeditated. That doesn’t even take in Travelgate, Filegate, Chinagate. Can’t wait for her to run again. Can you image the questions she will have to answer in a debate? Maybe that’s the way the American people will get the answers since she keeps faking sickness and fainting every time Congress wants her to answer questions. And guess what, you get a twofer because Bill is now implicated in the Pedophile billionaire case. Can’t wait for him to be first lady.
Prison for hillary and all involved
Hillary 2016…you are so desperate because Trump is even losing in Red states, but its ok Hillary will do a good job, their will be jobs and she wants to save social security, unlike Trump who wants to absolve it.–CfclNFG8mjDRN92JwQVKae0lXNBs5rHQfTKk&s=1
Clinton was senator from 2001 thru 2009 she hated gay 2010 she say she change for gay right but she liar she only want your vote
A Catholic spring??? Really bitch???
It is totally scary. Something strange is going on and it is International, not just the US. Clinton has taken a quarter of a billion dollars and that is all we know about and from Foreign Governments and Wall Street and who know who else…. Why are some of them so fearful that Hillary won’t be elected President?
Hillary Clinton is too corrupt, too exposed, too compromised, made too many nasty remarks about half of the population and then calls others divisive, BLEACHBIT, the video, the lies, pay-for-play, obfuscating, destroying evidence, arrogance, patronizing voters, dishonest, secretive, paranoid, insincere, unhealthy, the personality of a snake
This Criminal. Killer Liar and Cheater. Prison any time soon.
This Criminal Killer Liar and Cheater. Killary Clinton. Prison any time soon.
Krooked Killiary Klinton (KKK) was fired from the Watergate Commission for being a incompetent criminal. She was implicated in criminal activity in the Whitewater Investigation, the chief witness died before testifying. She was involved in the death of Vince Foster another witness that died before testifying. She tried to coverup Monica for Bill. She didn’t do anything worthwhile at all while first lady and wants to take credit for being a co-president. She was a reverse carpet bagger moving to NY from Arkansas so she could be a do nothing Senator from NY. She ran for President and was out smarted by a community organizer. As Secretary of State she completely screwed up our foreign policy. She was involved in starting the war in Libya. She refused to let the military accept Ghaddafi’s unconditional surrender and truce She completely botched Benghazi and got 4 Americans killed including her own Ambassador after refusing to give him the additional security he requested. He wasn’t just killed, he was raped, sodomized and tortured for 5 hours while Killary and Obama got high on whatever it is that they use now. Remember Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods next time she talks about her experience. She also used a private email account at State Department trying to hide her underhanded incompetent handling of diplomacy. She opened the account as soon as she was sworn in as Secretary of State and kept it the whole time she was in the position. She didn’t use her official email account, instead conducting her electronic mail via her personal, hidden account. That is not only illegal, it’s also premeditated. That doesn’t even take in Travelgate, Filegate, Chinagate. Can’t wait for her to run again. Can you image the questions she will have to answer in a debate? Maybe that’s the way the American people will get the answers since she keeps faking sickness and fainting every time Congress wants her to answer questions. And guess what, you get a twofer because Bill is now implicated in the Pedophile billionaire case. Can’t wait for him to be first lady.
It was the grouper trump
How do you mean?