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Poll : 96% of Aborted Babies Plan to Vote for Hillary

ATLANTA, Georgia - A recent 2016 Presidential poll conducted by CNN points to a tremendous advantage for Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton among...

Trump Supporter Starts Business Catering to Sanders Supporters

EAST HARTFORD, Conn - A man in Connecticut has started a business that caters to the dejected and depressed supporters of Bernie Sanders.  These...

HomophobiPhobes Ruining Homosexuality for Everyone

CHARLESTON, South Carolina - Violence against anyone is frowned upon in America and rightly so. Recently we have become aware of a new brand...

Charleston Man Fired Due to Flatulence

CHARLESTON, West Virginia - A battle of prodigious magnitude is dawning at a diminutive regency office in the suburbs of Charleston West Virginia. The...

Ohio Man Celebrates 480 Months Heroin-Free

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio -  Perseverant, indefatigable, resolute. One man stands as a testament to the power of the soul over addiction and adds another slash...

Uber has no restroom hand washing policy

Investigations often bring to light interesting facts not related to the original investigation. This was the case when we at I.S. began investigating Uber (The...

Cruz to Ohio and Florida Voters: Trump Died

COLUMBUS, OH - The dirty tricks just keep coming from the Presidential campaign of Ted Cruz. As we all know he perpetrated an act...

Therapists Recommend a Combination of Marijuana and Bob Ross for Anxiety

SEATTLE, Washington - Anxiety is a tremendous problem in the western world.  It's more pronounced among intellectuals and intelligent people.  The more intelligent a...

Tulsa Man Accused of “Looking Funny” at Breastfeeding Woman

TULSA, Oklahoma - What started as a normal day at a small coffee shop in Tulsa, Oklahoma turned out to be anything but. Young...

Leading Cause of Death in the US/UK: Being a Rock Star...

With the recent deaths of notable rock and roll celebrities like David Bowie and Glenn Frey and the repeated news of deaths from the...