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The Last Jedi Review: If You love Star Wars Stay Away

IN A GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY - Oh where to begin? I may, or may not have spoilers here. Not really sure as this...

White Activists Seeking Reparations for Ancient Slavery

NEW YORK, New York - Several motions have been filed recently in the Southern District of New York Federal Court, seeking the right and...

Twelve Internet Rumors And Conspiracy Theories You Didn’t Know Were True

SILICON VALLEY, California - The social media universe has become a proverbial treasure trove of conspiracy theory and satire. It is nearly impossible for...

Kim Jung Un Wins ‘North Korea Idol’ for Record 7th Straight...

PYONGYANG, North Korea - Kim Jung Un, The Supreme leader of North Korea took one closer step toward immortality last night by winning his...

Kim Jong-Un releases Netflix and Chill safety video.

North Korea's supreme leader Kim Jong-Un has released a safety video to his people entitled "Netflix and Chill Why America is the Devil." Though...

Former President Obama Proving Spying Is Not Always A Bad Thing.

EVERYNOOKANDCRANYIN, America - Sometimes, throughout our lives, we hear words that automatically trigger negative emotions; Hitler, Satan, Osama Bin Laden, Nickelback just to name a...

CIA GO: Collect Them All

SILICON VALLEY, California - The recent scandals tormenting the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) have given a much-deserved black eye to the once proud American Institution....

President Trump Caught Red Handed

ASHBURN, Virginia - It was inevitable that before long, the truth about President Donald Trump would be absolutely clear. With major media outlets, street...

DNC to Hand Debbie Wasserman Schultz Over to ISIS for Beheading

Democrats, especially those loyal to Senator Sanders, are a difficult crowd to please.  Given the release of emails from DNC employees which shows conclusively...

ODNI Releases Assessment of Russian Hacking that’s Completely Useless

Washington DC - The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released a public, unclassified version of their Russian hacking assessment titled Background to...