Google’s driverless car technology is fascinating to most people as it truly borders on the imagination of a magical world where your dreams are the limit. Like most things of this nature, there is a complex AI that makes it possible. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, for those not in the know. AI, as it’s currently understood, is in its infancy, and like any other infants, it needs groomed and developed. Microsoft recently unveiled an AI aimed at Twitter for the English speaking crowd which became an evil intolerant racist almost instantly. The Japanese version fared much better by merely complaining about its hay fever and shouting about Godzilla. IBM made a chess computer that learned to cheat even when not necessary. When pushed to reform the AI taught itself Russian and self-deleted the English language from its memory. looks like Google’s AI took a page from these others.

Earlier this month, one of their driverless cars figured out how to flip off an elderly Asian woman. The car was traveling from Google Headquarters to an undisclosed bay area location when the Asian woman in question performed an unsafe lane change forcing the Google car to stop short. That’s when the incident occurred. Google has been unavailable for comment, but we simply want to know where the car got an arm complete with hand and middle finger. When will we begin to learn from our past AI mistakes? For one elderly Asian woman not soon enough.