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Illinois State Legislature: Daylight Savings Time Should be 5 Hours Ahead

SPRINGFIELD, Illinois - The Illinois state House of Representatives today introduced legislation that would make Illinois the first state in the union to take...

Ohio Doctor: My Life Was Ruined by Billboard Company

AKRON, Ohio - Jose Blose Jr., an unfortunate name for an unfortunate man. The Akron, Ohio therapist has spent much of his life in...

NFL Set to Expand Sidelines to Accommodate Parole Officers

NEW YORK, New York -  The National Football League has announced an unprecedented on-field expansion to accommodate the large number of parole supervisors who...

Most ‘Best Dad’ Claims Based on Tiny Sample Set

WASHINGTON, D.C. - A new study based on fathering data demonstrates that most children mistakenly believe that their father is the world's best dad....

Flatulence in Elevators and Carpool Lanes: Assault?

Meet Gus Anderson. By all accounts a good man. A father, brother, son, and a pillar of his community.  Sadly Gus was fatality beaten...

Paying for Sex Safer, Less Expensive Than Dating, Marriage

It's no secret that prostitution is a very old and storied profession.  In certain pagan cultures, priestesses of some deities earned money for the...