Paying the bills

Flatulence in Elevators and Carpool Lanes: Assault?

Meet Gus Anderson. By all accounts a good man. A father, brother, son, and a pillar of his community.  Sadly Gus was fatality beaten...

Florida To Hold Prisoner Purchase Promotion

TALLAHASSEE, Fl-  State officials in Florida are under scrutiny today after unveiling a new plan that would allow private citizens to purchase the remainder...

Mass Shooter’s Parents to be Held Responsible for Not Hugging Them

It's a well-known fact that most mass shooters should have been hugged more as children.  A new effort by Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) may put...

Local Union : Fires are dangerous. Call us when it’s out.

Palo Alto, California - The month-long clash between the citizens and unions in Palo Alto, California is finally over and it is clear the...

Feds to Legalize Marijuana to Stop Campus Demonstrations

WASHINGTON DC - The US House of Representatives is expected to pass a bill related to veteran's healthcare.  It's no surprise that they would,...

Truth in Politix Releases Little-Known Campaign Promises From Candidates

WASHINGTON D.C. - Truth in Politix, a nonpartisan political action group, has released their list of little-known campaign promises from both the Donald Trump...

Planned Parenthood Sells Whole Babies, Not Parts

Planned Parenthood, the recently beleaguered non-profit organization dedicated to women's health issues, could have had a better year in 2015.  Conservatives have been gunning...

DOJ Releases List of Crimes for Which They Will Not Prosecute...

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice are under tremendous scrutiny for their handling of the crimes committed...

Most ‘Best Dad’ Claims Based on Tiny Sample Set

WASHINGTON, D.C. - A new study based on fathering data demonstrates that most children mistakenly believe that their father is the world's best dad....

Border Wall Will Make Fleeing Obama Impossible

Donald Trump wants to build a wall to keep out drugs and undesirables.  Most of the people to whom he panders agree that a...