Paying the bills

John Glenn Deathbed Confession – The Earth Is Flat

  That actually didn't happen. Do you really believe the Earth is flat? Seriously?

Warning : Millennials torn on who to support and eventually not...

SEATTLE, Washington - The 2016 presidential race has been one of the most contentious and tumultuous periods in American election history. This is an...

Russia hacked The Voice Results, US intel believes

Washington DC - Russian hackers breached accounts of Dancing with the Stars individuals and organizations prior to the public vote -- including Dancing with...

Border Wall Will Make Fleeing Obama Impossible

Donald Trump wants to build a wall to keep out drugs and undesirables.  Most of the people to whom he panders agree that a...

Cruz Leans Toward Voting Rubio in Texas Primary.

ARLINGTON, Texas - Senator Ted Cruz returned home to Texas today following a somewhat successful beginning to what looks to be an exciting and...

Hillary’s Most Damning Emails Recently Released.

WASHINGTON D.C. - The Federal Bureau of Investigations this morning released the most embarrassing emails yet retrieved from Hillary Clinton's private email servers. According...

Google Driverless Car Flips Off Asian Woman Driver

Google's driverless car technology is fascinating to most people as it truly borders on the imagination of a magical world where your dreams are...

America 2017

One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut. After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the barber replied, 'I cannot...

Feds to Legalize Marijuana to Stop Campus Demonstrations

WASHINGTON DC - The US House of Representatives is expected to pass a bill related to veteran's healthcare.  It's no surprise that they would,...