QUINCY, Mass – Times just continue to get more difficult for Tom Brady. Arguably the greatest quarterback in the history of the NFL finds himself embroiled in scandals that purport to show he and his New England Patriot teammates knowingly and willfully cheated their way to several SuperBowl championships. Tom has continually pledged his innocence on the field of battle but new accusations look to take the bloom off of the rose.
It was just a night like any other. My parents came for dinner and we decided to get out Scrabble to loosen the mood a little bit. My parents have always been skeptical of Tom and were watching him very closely. I still cant believe he tried to get away with this. – Giselle
According to the police report and 911 call sometime around 9:30 Tom was spotted looking under the table. Family members, acting quickly, pulled up the tablecloth to find Tom’s phone on a scrabble cheat site.
I have always known he was a cheater. He always wins at horseshoes because his foot is always over the line. You can’t bowl with him because he is always “mistakenly” marking spares when pins are still standing. Sometimes he even forgets to yell ‘Uno.’ He is just no fun to play with. – Giselle’s Dad
According to family, Brady became combative after being accused of cheating and began yelling at his father in law.
What was I supposed to do with “EATHCRE”? I couldn’t possibly use these letters in a word. I needed to find something. I didn’t know websites were against the rules. My father in law is no longer allowed to bring his cane into my home. – Brady
Mr. Giselle takes his scrabble serious and was not going to allow the shenanigans of Tom Brady ruin game night.
By rule 8-2.3c of the standard scrabble players rule guide any accusation of cheating must be met with a group vote. Tom denied our right to vote. He had no right to deny my challenge so I whacked ole’ deflated balls with my cane. -Giselle’s Dad
The NFL denied our requests for comment and stated only that this is an ongoing investigation. According to NFL insiders, this may finally be the straw that broke the Patriots back.
This is so ridiculous for a media to try to demolish even more Tom Brady. Are you guided by jealousy because he is the best QB who played at is qualiber!
Yup sounds about right
Sounds about wrong bitch he is a cheater
What’s qualiber mean
Not very nice Zea Zae Johnson hope your mother smacks that disrespect towards women right outta your mouth!
Francoise Lemay-Albert cheating at scrabble is an obvious cry for help. We must all stand by him and make sure he gets the help he needs for safety’s sake
This is Tom Brady crying for help.
You need to get a life you fucking loser. Who comes up with stupid bs like this?
Anthony Cerillo you sound angry.
He sounds more aggravated at ignorance
The kind that causes name calling?
You must have a really pathetic life if you have nothing better to do than just nitpick Tom Brady’s life like a vulture.
We don’t just nitpick Tom Brady. In fact he’s only been nitpicked once. We have time to nitpick lots of stuff and people.
Yea you obviously don’t have a life
Says the guy obviously being trolled.
Andy Brock
Such bullshit
not talented at all theyve been cheating all those yrs dummies
Spygate was legal all teams film other teams its the location they were filming from was the problem. Deflategate there was no proof Brady did anything and boo fucking hoo the football has 1lb of air less that the others they still beat the colts 45 – 7. Look at his stats numbers don’t lie he is one of the greatest qbs to ever play the game sorry your team sucks stop crying
Matt is mad lol
Location of filming??? So that’s why goodell burned them all and didn’t show anyone because the filming location was bad… That’s the stupidest shit I’ve heard in a long time.
Pretty sure Brady sent emails to the guys preparing the balls to deflate them lol. But other than that he had nothing to do with it.
They went to court and he was cleared goodell is appealing the decision
O.J. was found innocent too.
Are you really comparing Tom Brady to a murderer?
Nope just saying courts get it wrong. Why so sensitive?
You mad Bro???
dont give this idiot a response lol
Bryan Legarda
This is the dumbest post I’ve seen on fb makes me wanna go back to MySpace
I am sure they would welcome you back with open arms
I hope so maybe they don’t have idiots that post stuff like this
Name calling? Climb up off that lowest rung partner. It is 2016. To the kids table with you.
Awww did I hurt your feelings it’s 2016 man up
Did you think of that all by yourself?
Funny I was gonna ask you the same thing about this post
This sht petty as fck
I have no idea what you’re saying. Is that English?
Bunch of idiots can’t think of more stupid shit
We can think of punctuation, though.
What ever
Is that what you meant?
Not really
Hey I’m a big hawk fan! They beat us in the Superbowl fair and square! People have to accept reality!
That’s just good sportsmanship
That’s just they way it should be. Why be mad over something that happen yesterday. Go hawks!
Good sport I agree!
Haters would love to believe this because they are losers lol sucks being the chosen one sometimes in this devilish jealous world
Who’s the “tool” who went out of their way to pen this bullshit ?
That would be me
My grandma was involved too
I guess some people can’t take a joke, eh @Immediate Safety?
Pete Zompa fucks midgets
Dude, pray I don’t find you
Or pray for world piece or to end hunger. Any of those are good.
I’m leaking right now
Hey Pete, you know threats over social media are things the FBI take seriously, right? Maybe keep your intent a secret and just jump him when the opportunity presents itself instead.
Pete Zompa
I can write the ongoing saga of Pete Zompa and Junior Alb Schmalzried. And American tragedy.
I never saw people get so mad over tom brady
I was going to ask where Pete Zompa was but then I remembered he is out looking for Junior Alb Schmalzried
Hes got a ways to go.. I’ll bet he has that shitty Massachusetts faggot attitude
You clearly can’t control your mouth..
Junior Alb Schmalzried go lay down
For real people need to stop hating on the new england patriots they dont need to cheat they play hard and work hard to get where they are im a new england patriots fan and always will win or lose they are the best team
I am a Cleveland Browns fan. I dont think you could handle that type of fandom.
It makes me moist
GFY Junior Alb Schmalzried
Fuck u Mark Sheets
Wow what a dumb ass article
Who would you rather see an article on. I am happy to a Blige
Them haters can go cram the deflated balls we supposedly deflated up their ass
We? Are you a player or coach?
Not surprising
Shut the fuck up ass clowns
If you play in the NFL you cheat, all are guilty, coaches, players and refs. Especially your princess Brady.
Who cares tf
Tom Brady is a dick.
Yeah, we’ve heard that.