Paying the bills

Kombucha Drinkers in the Workplace: Pretentious Douchebags?

Douchebaggery in the workplace is a dangerous condition.  It leads to resentment and altercations, sometimes physical.  There are myriad douchey things that one can...

Surviving Alien Abduction 2016

Every passing year brings with it more tales of abduction and horrors orchestrated by our visitors from above. From simple sightings to full horrifying...

People Named Paul, Likely Serial Killers

Where the Hell is Paul? We all ask this question, at least any of us who know Paul.  He never seems to be around...

Amazon : Forget Drones, Wormholes are the Future

GENEVA, Switzerland - The future is now, but it is not the future we were expecting. Geneva, Switzerland is all abuzz, as is the...

Witch Doctor Claims Computer Viruses Are Demons

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia - As if computers were not confusing enough to the bulk of the population, now it appears that they may be possessed...

NOAA Answers the Question: ‘Where Da Hoes At’ with Science

SUITLAND, MD - The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, the US's premier natural pattern studying organization, has taken a major leap forward in...

Twelve Internet Rumors And Conspiracy Theories You Didn’t Know Were True

SILICON VALLEY, California - The social media universe has become a proverbial treasure trove of conspiracy theory and satire. It is nearly impossible for...

Google Driverless Car Flips Off Asian Woman Driver

Google's driverless car technology is fascinating to most people as it truly borders on the imagination of a magical world where your dreams are...

The Color Pink Linked to Outbreak in Breast Cancer

A new groundbreaking study will change the way we view breast cancer forever. This vile, disgusting disease that affects so many will soon be brought...

Bibles, Qurans, and AR-15s, Oh My! Part One

ISLA SORNA - Life is inherently full of dangerous things that strive to hurt and kill us. We have been confronted lately by, according...