Paying the bills

Kim Jong-Un releases Netflix and Chill safety video.

North Korea's supreme leader Kim Jong-Un has released a safety video to his people entitled "Netflix and Chill Why America is the Devil." Though...

Tom Brady Caught Cheating During Family Game Night.

QUINCY, Mass -  Times just continue to get more difficult for Tom Brady. Arguably the greatest quarterback in the history of the NFL finds...

Hillary and Bill Speak at a ‘Capitalists Understanding Nationalist Tendencies’ Benefit

ASHBURN, Virginia -  More than 5,000 die-hard fans packed Edlemen Financial Field this afternoon for one of the largest rallies of the 2016 Presidential...

DNC to Hand Debbie Wasserman Schultz Over to ISIS for Beheading

Democrats, especially those loyal to Senator Sanders, are a difficult crowd to please.  Given the release of emails from DNC employees which shows conclusively...

Bernie Sanders to Use Nickname “Mango” in an Effort to Win...

BURLINGTON, Vermont -"Lifting up his head he feels the sunlight in his eyes." Bernie Sanders, embroiled in a long tough fight with former Secretary of...

The Real Reason Microsoft Killed the Tay AI Twitter-Bot

Recent headlines about how the Twitter-bot designed by Microsoft and dubbed 'Tay' had to be shut down are misleading at best.  It's certainly problematic...

Ted Cruz : How I Will Win the Gays? Calendars…

DALLAS, Texas - Senator and Presidential hopeful Ted Cruz is trying to fill every gap he can with voters, even if it means appealing...

List of People Fleeing the Country if Trump Elected

A tremendous number of people have publicly stated their desire to flee the country if Donald Trump is elected. Their reasons are many and...

Jared: From Pitching Subs to Tossing Salads

Jared Fogle has had quite an interesting couple of years. He has gone from one of America's top advertising faces with Subway restaurants to...

White Activists Seeking Reparations for Ancient Slavery

NEW YORK, New York - Several motions have been filed recently in the Southern District of New York Federal Court, seeking the right and...