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Conspiracy Notes

What You Don’t Know About Click-Bait Could Kill You

Be careful of websites like Upworthy and Buzzfeed.  They will bait you with those highly clickable links, but what happens once they have you?...

What Is The Ars Notoria – Gateway to illuminated powers of...

BIRINGAM CITY, Philippines - Imagine, if you will, an alternate plane where words, prayers, and chants can reward the orator with knowledge, wisdom, and...

The Mandela Effect: You’re Not Stupid, But Your Memory Is?

PROVO, Utah - Many people have been discussing a strange new phenomenon in the conspiracy world lately called the Mandela Effect. According to Wikipedia,...

President Trump Caught Red Handed

ASHBURN, Virginia - It was inevitable that before long, the truth about President Donald Trump would be absolutely clear. With major media outlets, street...

New York Times Editorial Staff Throws Curve-ball by Admitting Trump Did...

The New York Times has a history of hating President Trump across the board. They have run stories that use incendiary language leading readers...

Twelve Internet Rumors And Conspiracy Theories You Didn’t Know Were True

SILICON VALLEY, California - The social media universe has become a proverbial treasure trove of conspiracy theory and satire. It is nearly impossible for...

CIA GO: Collect Them All

SILICON VALLEY, California - The recent scandals tormenting the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) have given a much-deserved black eye to the once proud American Institution....

Donald Trump The Leader Of The Great Hats?

NEW YORK, New York - 2016 was the year of iconic election moment after iconic election moment. From Wikileaks to #Pizzagate and everywhere in-between...

Former President Obama Proving Spying Is Not Always A Bad Thing.

EVERYNOOKANDCRANYIN, America - Sometimes, throughout our lives, we hear words that automatically trigger negative emotions; Hitler, Satan, Osama Bin Laden, Nickelback just to name a...