Paying the bills

The Big Lebowski the Most Important Teaching Film of Our Time

The Big Lebowski is often cited as one of the weirdest, or best films of the modern era.  There's even a religion based on...

Surviving Alien Abduction: A Users Guide for 2016

Every passing year brings with it more tales of abduction and horrors orchestrated by our visitors from above. From simple sightings to full horrifying...

America 2017

One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut. After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the barber replied, 'I cannot...

Clown Activists Contemplating Lawsuit for Rights Violations

WASHINGTON D.C.- Clown lives matter? Today thousands of clowns from across the nation have descended on the Capital to protest, what they believe, are...

Allah to Followers: If I Wanted the Infidels Dead I Would...

TEHRAN, Iran - Allah, the great and merciful God of the Muslim religion has the power to create great floods, send earthquakes to level...

Least Safe Thing About Teen Dating: Her Father

Teenagers date.  It's a natural part of the process of growing up.  They also do all manner of things fathers don't want to think...

Racist Police Steal AR-15″s, Exposives From Refugees

DALLAS, Texas - Police in Dallas, Texas are coming under fire for the arrests of eight Syrian refugees on weapons, explosives, and grand theft auto...

Ghost of Rob Reiner – Move my body to Canada if...

SAN FRANCISCO, California - Election 2016 has turned into one of the most contentious periods in American history. Volatile operatives from the left and...

Practice Safe Gerbiling: Why Duct Tape is Necessary

In relation to a recent post on the subject of polyembolokoilamania, we mentioned that people were sticking all manner of things into their bodily...